Hyperspectral Images Technique in Mapping and Quantifying Gypsum Case Study: Jayroud District

Nasser Tarraf Ibrahem

DOI: https://doi.org/10.61706/sccee1201123

Keywords: Hyperspectral Images, Detection, Quantifying, Resource Sustainabilit, Gypsum


As the spectral data of the space image increases, the amount of information derived by processing per unit terrestrial area is amplified. A hyperspectral image is capable of mapping the classified features in accordance with defined objectives, and of providing a description of each objective in quantitative terms. A model for mapping gypsum quantity using spectral libraries and the SAM technique on a hyperspectral image was implemented. The distribution of gypsum was mapped for areas exceeding 50% (per unit area), covering 1188 ha, and exceeding 70% (per unit area), covering 932 ha, and exceeding 85% (per unit area), covering 395 ha, along the study area of Jayroud, Damascus countryside. The model performance with respect to static indicators was as follows: the accuracy assessment value was -11.5, the root mean square error (RMSE) was 10.25, and the coefficient of determination (R²) was 0.94 for gypsum estimation in comparison with field observations. Maps of gypsum quantification and distribution are instrumental in the optimal investment planning and effective sustainable management of this resource.


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