The effect of entrepreneurial orientation on firm’s supply chain performance: The case of food sector in Jordan

Luay Jum’a

German Jordanian University (GJU), Department of Logistic sciences, Jordan


Keywords: Entrepreneurial Orientation, Supply Chain Management, Innovation, Supply Chain Performance, Jordan


The objective of this study was to examine the impact of entrepreneurial orientation on the supply chain performance of firms operating within the food sector in Jordan. This study developed a theoretical framework for analyzing three key dimensions of entrepreneurial orientation: proactiveness, innovativeness, and risk-taking. The data collection process in the Jordanian food manufacturing sector involved a quantitative approach. A total of 192 respondents participated in the study, and the collected data was subsequently analyzed using SPSS software. The findings of the study indicate a significant positive impact on supply chain performance from two particular elements related to entrepreneurial orientation: innovativeness and risk-taking. Additionally, the study found that proactiveness had no significant impact on the performance of the supply chain. This study offers decision-makers seeking to establish a unique market position an opportunity to distinguish their supply chain operations by leveraging entrepreneurial orientation. Furthermore, this empirical study provides practical recommendations to organizations on enhancing various aspects related to proactiveness, innovativeness, and risk-taking. Firms with high entrepreneurial orientation excel in supply chain performance as they create customer-focused products, adapt to market changes, and maintain rigorous standards with suppliers and partners. This results in increased productivity, reduced distractions, and faster delivery. Moreover, the present study provides a theoretical contribution by proposing a framework that investigates the influence of three distinct types of entrepreneurial orientation on supply chain performance an area that has received limited attention in previous studies, particularly in the food sector.


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